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Twickenham Rough

London Road, Twickenham, TW1 1AA Map

This linear conservation site links Twickenham station to Marsh Farm Lane and open spaces along the River Crane along a well-surfaced pathway through woodland and bramble thicket.

About the park

The Rough provides the final link in a surfaced route through open spaces along the River Crane between the station and west Twickenham. The open habitats here are part of a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation for the rough grassland, tall herbs, scrub and young woodland. The habitats also have value for breeding birds and bats. There are remnants of rail track and a buffer stop highlighting the land’s railway heritage.

Conservation management

Current conservation management measures for Twickenham Junction Rough can be viewed in the Lower Crane Valley Management Plan.

Visiting the park

The park is locked at night. See parks opening times for information about when the park is accessible. The London Road gate to the Rough, access ramp and piazza is owned and managed by Brewery Wharf. Please have consideration for neighbours and wildlife.

Twickenham station is close by, as are the bus routes 110, 267, 281 and 681.

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Public Space Protection Orders and byelaws

All council-managed parks and open spaces are covered by Public Space Protection Orders and formal byelaws, to help us reduce antisocial behaviour and breaches of dog control orders.