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Supporting Hong Kong residents in Richmond upon Thames

21 May 2024

We have been awarded additional funding from the Greater London Authority’s (GLA) Hong Kong British National Overseas (BNO) fund, enabling us to make a meaningful impact within the Hong Kong community in our borough.

Last year, the funding of £21,205 facilitated our work to support Hong Kong settlers. This included hosting regular community social events, organising local trips, providing English classes, coordinating summer events tailored for young people, and enriching local libraries with Cantonese and traditional Chinese resources.

This year, we have been awarded £34,287 to help fund new programmes of activity delivered by Multicultural Richmond and Achieving for Children (AfC). Our focus will remain on fostering community integration, enhancing youth services, and improving mental health and wellbeing.

From April to September 2024, Multicultural Richmond will implement a multifaceted programme to help Hong Kong residents actively engage in the community. The six-month programme features weekly coffee mornings sessions followed by stress-reducing activities as well as dedicated sessions providing information on local services with Citizens Advice Richmond, cultural celebratory events, and a hate crime event to provide awareness on reporting procedures and reinforcing community solidarity.

The AfC's Youth Service will provide a range of leisure activities and mental health support services to young people. From orchestra and filmmaking to Cantonese cooking and dragon boating, the programmes aim to engage young people from mixed cultural backgrounds.

Additionally, AfC's schools’ programme will offer support to parents and students through workshops, regular coffee mornings and cultural events. Online parent workshops will guide families through higher education pathways, career options, and navigating the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) system. To further support parents, psychotherapist-led Cantonese coffee morning gatherings will provide strategies for managing stress and maintaining mental health. Training workshops on handling mental health issues will also be provided to AfC staff, ensuring they are equipped to address the needs of both parents and young people. Cultural performances at local schools will further celebrate Hong Kong culture, fostering connections and inclusivity within our community.

Find out more about available support for Hong Kong nationals.

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Up to: May 2024

Updated: 21 May 2024

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